The Battle of Titans: Musk vs Zuckerberg

Omansh Arora
5 min readJul 7, 2023


Twitter’s bird bound by Meta’s threads


In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, two titans have emerged as dominant figures: Elon Musk, the billionaire entrepreneur, and Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram. These two powerhouses have recently engaged in a heated rivalry, with Musk’s ownership of Twitter causing a series of unpopular changes that have upset users and advertisers. In response, Zuckerberg and Meta have launched Threads, a new app that aims to challenge Twitter’s dominance and provide users with a fresh alternative. In this article, we will explore the features, benefits, and shortcomings of Threads, as well as delve into the ongoing battle between Musk and Zuckerberg.

The Rise of Threads

Threads, the brainchild of Meta, was launched as a standalone app on a mission to provide users with a Twitter-like experience. Within hours of its release, Threads gained significant traction, amassing over 10 million users in a mere seven hours. Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, took to his Threads profile to share the exciting news, expressing his optimism for the future of the app. By the following morning, Threads had surpassed the 30 million user mark, solidifying its status as a major contender in the Twitter wars.

Zuckerberg’s tweet after 11 years

Seamless Integration with Instagram

One of the key factors contributing to Threads’ rapid success is its seamless integration with Instagram, another platform owned by Meta. Users who already have an active Instagram account can effortlessly create a Threads profile using the same login credentials. This integration allows for the automatic migration of followers from Instagram to Threads, eliminating the need for users to start from scratch in building their community. The appeal of this feature lies in the ability to skip the arduous task of establishing a follower base on a new platform, leveraging the existing network on Instagram to kickstart one’s presence on Threads.

A Platform for Public Conversations

Similar to Twitter, Threads is designed to facilitate public conversations, enabling users to share short texts, images, and videos with their followers. Adam Mosseri, the head of Instagram, expressed the company’s intention to bring the friendly and open atmosphere of Instagram to Threads, allowing content creators to engage in more meaningful conversations with their followers. The aim is to provide an alternative to Twitter, where toxic behavior and pile-ons are often a cause for concern.

The User Experience on Threads

While the initial success of Threads is undeniable, users have begun to voice their concerns and criticisms of the platform. One common complaint is the lack of a desktop version, limiting users to scrolling through Threads on their mobile devices. Additionally, the composition of the feed has drawn criticism, particularly from Twitter users who are put off by the algorithmic “For You” tab on Threads, filled with clickbait and viral content. Currently, Threads does not offer the option to view posts only from accounts followed or to display the feed chronologically. Accessibility features for users with disabilities are also lacking, with no alt text field or in-app captioning tool available.

The Power of Influencers

Threads’ integration with Instagram has attracted high-profile celebrities, media outlets, and influencers to the platform. Celebrities such as Shakira and Jack Black, as well as media giants like The Hollywood Reporter, Vice, and Netflix, have already established active accounts on Threads. The presence of these influential figures not only adds credibility to the platform but also brings along their dedicated fan bases. With the potential for mega-influencers like Kylie Jenner and Taylor Swift to join Threads, the app could experience exponential growth as their followers hop over from Instagram with just a few taps.

The Algorithmic Feed and its Shortcomings

One of the most significant departures from Twitter’s model is Threads’ algorithmic feed, which presents content from across the entire platform rather than a chronological feed of posts from followed accounts. This approach has been met with mixed reviews, with many users expressing dissatisfaction with the lack of control over the content they see. Unlike Instagram, where Meta’s algorithms have become highly effective at tailoring content to users’ preferences, Threads’ feed often feels irrelevant and out of touch. However, Meta has acknowledged the feedback and stated that a follow-only feed, similar to Twitter’s model, is on their list of planned updates.

The Fight for Dominance: Musk vs Zuckerberg

The rivalry between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg has added an extra layer of intrigue to the launch of Threads. Musk, known for his bold and controversial statements on Twitter, has not held back in expressing his opinions about Meta’s new app. In a veiled jibe, Musk accused Zuckerberg of hiring ex-Twitter employees and using their confidential knowledge to create a “copycat” product, prompting Twitter to send a threatening legal letter. The battle between these two tech giants continues to captivate audiences, with their clash of ideas and visions for the future of social media.


The Future of Threads

Despite its initial shortcomings, Threads has proven to be a force to be reckoned with in the Twitter wars. Its rapid user growth, integration with Instagram, and the potential influx of influential users position Threads as a formidable rival to Twitter. Meta’s commitment to addressing user feedback and improving the platform’s features further bolsters its chances of success. As the battle for dominance in the social media landscape rages on, only time will tell if Threads can dethrone Twitter and become the go-to platform for public conversations.


The launch of Threads by Meta has ignited a fierce competition between Elon Musk’s Twitter and Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta. While Threads has garnered significant attention and user adoption, it is still in its early stages and faces challenges in addressing user concerns and improving the overall user experience. With its integration with Instagram and the potential for high-profile influencers to join the platform, Threads has the potential to disrupt the social media landscape. The ongoing battle between Musk and Zuckerberg adds an extra layer of excitement to the unfolding drama, as these tech titans vie for dominance in the ever-evolving world of social media.

